I've had a series of interesting dreams lately. This latest one, I believe, speaks to fears of growing up?
I dreamt I was going on a trip. I was on a cruise ship, or maybe a train. Anyways, I was sitting down, my friends were in seats around me, and across from me a little boy was sitting. I was his caretaker. His babysitter. He didn't look familiar to me then, but I knew I was supposed to be watching him. He was about 8 years old or so. Blondish maybe. Just generic kid look.
We stopped at some destination and got off the boat. I was walking around a castle-looking muesum type place, I remember bright colors, but not much else. The little boy was with me, but I wasn't really interacting with him. I definately was aware he was there, though.
I went back on the boat. I was only going to go and get something -- don't know if I forgot something or wanted to get something new. I planned on going back to shore, but when I got on the boat, it started sailing away. I remember looking out the window and seeing the shoreline move away, and being suprised, thinking "we can't be leaving yet!"
I ran around the boat, looking for my friends to see if they had the little boy. They didn't have him. He was left on the shore. I felt panicky -- I couldn't leave him! I wanted to go back, but I couldn't find who to ask to let me. I don't think the boat captians spoke English. Either that, or they wouldn't turn around or let me leave. He was left behind.
I'm really excited to be getting married. But I do feel a little bit of anxiety. I guess I have considered myself an "adult" for awhile now, but it seems that this getting married step makes it official.