Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I heard an interesting piece on the radio yesterday. American Public Media's Marketplace did a story on the changes in WIC. The Women, Infants and Children program expanded to allow mothers in the program to purchase bread, soymilk, and other food in addition to the food allowed by traditional vouchers (milk, formula, eggs, etc). Apparently food manufacturers are producing new "WIC certified" products that meet the requirements for WIC.

That is interesting in and of itself. What struck me, though, was a sentence at the end of the program, saying that more than half of the babies born each year are enrolled in a WIC program. Really?! More than half the children in the USA? I knew WIC was important, but had no idea how widely used it was.

Note to self: research WIC. I'd like to know more about it. It seems less stigmatized than other welfare programs. It seems to also be well known and used. I wonder what the program eligibility requirements are. How it started. What problems the program has faced. If the benefits are being measured and accounted for.

End thought: Hooray WIC! Hooray babies! :-)

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